Pokémon, mon, mon…

January 20, 2009

It took a while, but here’s another release! This one, much like Desperate Dangerous Grandpa, was a bit of a translation nightmare–I could have easily written translation notes for every single “joke,” but I decided not to junk things up and just added notes where they were absolutely necessary.


Or, in English: Pokémon Diamond/Pearl 4-panel Theatre! It’s just a lot of 4-koma silliness, really, but it’s pretty cute (although most of the puns are real groaners). You can download it here.

This was half-scanlated in Photoshop, which was pretty interesting, and although it made typesetting endlessly easier I think I’m still going to rope a friend of mine into helping me since I don’t have a computer at the moment and scanlating on the school computers feels really weird. Yup.

Next up: Probably another chapter of Professor Layton &c., or something not aimed at children, but that’s not as definite a claim as the previous ones have been.

Eee–h?! Another Release?!

January 5, 2009

That’s right, another release, only 1 (oh wait it’s past midnight whoops) 2 days later!

It’s not Layton, though, don’t get your hopes up. Instead, it’s…

Zettaizetsumei Denjarasu Jiisan, otherwise known as Desperate Dangerous Grandpa! I have no idea whatsoever what chapter number this is, although I’m mostly sure it’s from volume 15. You can download it here right now, although it’s probably in your best interest to read on and see what you’re getting yourself into.

This is a series that’s been running in CoroCoro for a few years, and actually won the Shogakukan Award for Children’s manga in 2005. It has 14 volumes out to date, and inspired a TV series and a bunch of video games. That being said it’s also one of the most random mangas ever, offering a terrifying glimpse into the twisted Japanese psyche. Another manga by the same author recieved a review of “a 10 for retardedness,” (on mangaupdates) which is a pretty accurate description of the plot of all of the stories I’ve read by this guy (although I consider it more a positive thing than that particular reviewer did.)

Anyway, enough chitchat–I did this chapter because I needed a crash course in cloning, advanced-ish text effects, and building stamina at working for a long time editing pictures that disturb me. If anyone wants to see more scanlations of Dangerous Grandpa then you’d better speak up now, because I can just as easily translate it for myself and not go through any trouble (and probably won’t).

Next up: either something not aimed at children, or Pokémon D/P 4-koma theatre.

First Release!

January 4, 2009

Whoo, first release! And it’s something everyone’s been dying to read! (Well, I was dying to read it, anyway…)

It’s… REITON Kyouju to YUKAI na Jiken!!

… Otherwise known as Professor Layton and the Cheerful Mystery!!

It’s just one chapter of it (I think it may be chapter 4?) but every chapter is a stand-alone story, so it’s all good. You can download it here.

As my first scanlation, it’s a little flawed… for one thing, I managed to accidentally make every page twice as large as I intended. Whoops?  But it’s still less than 5mb, so it’s not a big deal. I apologise for the fact that my scans are a little not-so-great, but not only is my scanner awful, but I don’t really have any really great editing programs available at the moment (and by that I mean I did some of the cleaning in MSPaint. No, seriously). Also, I apologise if the translation is a little hinky at times… this is my first real JP-EN translation, so I’m still getting used to it. But I had fun translating it and fun drawing all the SFX, so maybe you’ll have fun reading it.

On that note, if anyone has good, legible scans of the first few chapters of this, I’d totally love to translate them. No need to worry about the chapters after this one,  I have that covered already.

Next up: probably a chapter of Dangerous Grandpa?

Now open… or something.

January 3, 2009

Well, I just started a scanlation site. Yup.

This site is here for me to post scanlations I make of translations I do so updates will probably range from sporadic to never, since I may not really have the time/patience to scanlate everything I translate… Sad, I know, but I don’t want to make any promises I can’t keep.

Besides, I’m currently not in the best situation when it comes to scanners right now. I’m already very apprehensive about destroying my beautiful books by cracking their spines, and it’s really not worth it when my scanner sucks so very badly… but I guess only time will tell.

On a slightly unrelated note, boy is it hard to customise stuff on WordPress! I mean seriously, can I at least change the background color or something? Jeez!