
HIKIGEKI is just a little personal scanlation project. Please note that I say “project” instead of “group” since there’s only one person running the show around here.

HIKIGEKI exists only because my Japanese knowledge is self-taught. With no actual curriculum to learn from, I’ve had to create my own: in other words, I’m forcing myself to translate comics to strengthen my grammar (which is awful) and reinforce my vocabulary. For me, the translation process is painstakingly slow and involves 2 jp/en dictionaries, 2 grammar guides, 1 kanji dictionary and 1 book only on particles. My translations may not be perfect, but I do my best.

Right now I’m working on short stories, both for children and adults. Children’s manga is nice because of the furigana, but not so nice because of the horrible untranslatable puns. Adult comics are nice because I’m more likely to know what’s going on, but not so nice because adults use a lot of big words that I haven’t learned yet.

Updates will be sporadic to never, since it takes a long time to translate and just as long to edit (which is also less fun, usually). Don’t expect much.


It’s the Japanese word for tragicomedy. I like the way it sounds, and it sorta fits. Maybe.

About Me

My name is Wekhter. I’m a something year-old art student, somewhere. My hobbies include reading comics, writing comics, and building cardboard robots. You can find out more about me and what I do at my livejournal, I suppose.